If you get rid of the type declarations these functions work in VBScript too except that the GetFileBytes function needs to be changed to use FileSystemObject (or possibly ADO Stream) as the Free File doesn't exist in VBScript. Sub Example10() Dim book As Workbook Set book Workbooks.Add Application.DisplayAlerts False book. Specific tests fóund that hashes wórk well for á 200MB zip file but fail for a 500MB zip file the exact break point is unclear. In addition to saving a file, we can also Create & Save New Workbook with VBA code.To accomplish the task, type the below code in the Module window and press F5. The code is made for single files, but the code given. Excel Vba Md5 Hash File Zip File But Fail. As a bonus, I'm including a function for SHA1. The VBA code below generates the digests for the MD5, SHA1, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, and SHA2-512 hashes. These functions are specifically for hashing files, not for hashing passwords. An older question that could use a better answer.